I am here to help you live your running vision. Your training plan is specifically tailored to your current fitness and running goals. Together, we identify your strengths and skills to help you achieve your running goals. I use the results from your workouts to update your weekly training plan and I always have a plan B! Above all, I am your coach who is here to help you keep a positive perspective on how running enriches your life. I especially enjoy coaching novice runners and masters runners.
Rob was born in Boulder, CO in 1967 and, due to an unfortunate flip of a coin, was raised on the Lynyrd Skynyrd side of Jacksonville, FL. He still has not forgiven his parents for the move. After years of Catholic school, he landed at FSU, the “Harvard of the South”, and earned a B.S. in Communications and a M.Ed. in Social Studies Education. His high school cross-country and track experience, and general love for running, led him to coach cross-country and track at a small independent high school in Tallahassee, FL. The coaching experience eventually paved the way for his career in teaching and coaching. In 1995, inspired by his frequent trips to the Appalachian Mountains, Rob moved to Brevard, NC to where he coached track at Brevard College, ran on mountain trails, and raised Fraser Fir Christmas trees.
Rob ran competitively from 1989-2010 specializing in the 800 and 1500 meters. During that time, he won five-time Master Track National Champions in distances from the 1500 meters to the 3K. During the autumn months, Rob raced the 5k (15:40), 10k (33:38), and ½ marathon (1:14:18). Unfortunately, arthritic hips forced him out of running, but back on his 1990 Bianchi Primo that had been severely neglected over the years. In 2015, Rob got a shiny new titanium femur and plastic right hip socket, which allowed him to compete in triathlons for a few seasons before the left hip got jealous. Rob got the new left hip installed on February 24th of 2020, just before the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, thankfully. Six weeks later, Rob was back on his bike with his sights set on competing in a sprint triathlon in late August. Of course, the race, and all of the races, were cancelled. Fortunately, Rob found the Fast Triathlon 7 Day Challenge and thought to give it a go. He successfully completed the challenge this past August. Looking for another challenge, Rob accepted and completed the 28 Day Fast Triathlon Challenge in October of 2020. Since then, Rob continues to train and compete in sprint triathlons.
If you are looking for a fun, experienced, down-to-earth coach, book a coaching consultation with Rob.
Athlete Requirements
Runners age 14 and up of all abilities with a desire to grow are welcome.
Can you smile in the face of a challenge? Are you open to personal growth? Do you want to improve your running? You do! Super, I look forward to meeting you!