Ruth Atkinson

Dallas, TX
Accepting New Clients

Let's chase your best together.

About Ruth Atkinson
Ruth lives outside of Dallas, TX. She has a passion for helping runners new to the sport, or new to a certain distance, gain confidence and experience through training that feels exciting and unique to them. Ruth believes everyone can run, and that open communication and the coach/athlete relationship is vital to the success of her athletes.
Ruth has been run coaching for about a year and a half now. Ruth found running later in life-at the age of 23. After years of "hating" the idea of running for fun, Ruth began her running journey and ended up falling in love in 2019! She ran her first marathon a year later, and never looked back. She dove deep into learning all there is to learn about how to train better and improve on her own, and then hired a coach. She was so inspired by the difference it made that she herself then decided to become a coach and help others gain the confidence in their own journey - no matter how old or how experienced they were. Ruth believes that her job as a running coach is to be a listener, a supporter, an encourager, a voice of reason, and a source of knowledge for each and every athlete. Ruth can't wait to help you see all that is possible for YOU!
Athlete Requirements
Athletes will need to download the V.O2 app.
Qualified To Coach
Available for Coaching
Online/Remote coaching, Consultations
Coaching Certifications


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Private Coaching

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